The Edupac Time-Table Solution
is a website application
which is fully integrated with
the Edupac School Management System
Discover fast, easy, reliable timetable software for your school.
Timetabling could not be easier with our simple colour-coded steps!
One Allocation Screen
Detailed online help files and videos
Competent Help Desk Support from 07:30 – 15:30
Web Based system – No Client side installations
Server-side upgrades – No patch downloads on Client side
Benefit to School
Reduced workload on internal IT staff – Generates Complete Rosters in Minutes
Latest software available from anywhere on the Internet
Quick and Low Data Cloud Based Website Application
Upgrades are free and don’t cost time to implement
The database is scalable – no additional cost for more data storage
No data security hassles – no crashes and backup issues
Setup Cycle, Periods, Grades, Classes, Buildings, Rooms and subjects
Assign Subjects to Grades or Import Curriculum Setup
Create General Activity Types (Assembly, Register, Breaks, Meetings)
Place General Activities on Timetable Grades, Classes, Educators and Rooms
Define Preferred Spread for Periods (Time of Day)
Setup Rooms per Subject per Grade
Manually place subjects or subject groups where required
Generate Timetables that match your needs
Allocate Educators to Subjects or Subject Splits per Grade or Class
Define number of periods per subject, Splits (Quad, Triple, Double and Single Periods)
Basic Set-up and Utilization Statistics
Timetables for School, Grades, Classes, Educators and Rooms
Link classes together in class groups for subjects or combinations
Create Subject combinations, groups (ties) for various subject choices
Summary Timetables (Grouped by Day) for Classes, Educators, and Rooms
Educator Substitution