Edupac® Software

e-Enterprise Edition

Educational Management Information System


Our Secure Cloud-Based

Multi-User Website Application

Management and Administration

Students and Guardians

Institution and Staff

Accounting and Finance

Secure and Simple

Integrated and Automated

Business Orientated

Dashboards and Reporting

Guardian Communications

On-Line Portal and Mobile-Apps

Bulk SMS and Email

Curriculum and Marks

Extensive and Efficient

Customizable with Reporting

Media Library and Textbooks

Learner Teacher Support Materials

e-Enterprise Edition is our Flagship Inclusive Solution

a Microsoft™ Based On-Line Software Solution

Engineered since 1997 for Educational Institutions

Integrated and Flexible with a variety of 3rd Party Services

Edupac Offers a Secure and Stable Product for Schools along with our Dedicated Service

e-Enterprise Edition Includes as Standard





Guardian Communications

Bulk SMS and E-Mails

Online Portal

Attendance and Conduct Notifications

Insitution Events and News


Online Enrolments

Financial and Academic Information

Advertising for Sponsors

Complimentary in both e-Enterprise and e-Xpress Editions

Communication is Key – Guardian Registration is Free

e-Xpress Edition

Tailor Made for Your Needs

Administration and Management

for Academic Institutions

Events Calendar and Dashboards

Attendance and Conduct

Unlimited User Accounts

Students, Guardians and Alumni

Employees, Educators and SGB

Document Repositories

Leave and Appointment Management

South-African SA-SAMS Approved Exports

e-Xpress Allows Cost-Effective Flexibility

Simply Add any of the following to e-Xpress for your needs

* e-TimeTable and e-LMS can be procured as Stand-Alone Solutions


Accounting - Integrated and Automated

Multiple Year Budgets

Stock and Asset Register

Customers / Debtor Accounts

Suppliers / Creditor Accounts

3rd Party Solutions Integrations

Debit Order Integrations

Automated Invoicing and Alert Icons

Multiple Business Unit Flexibility

Role-Based User Access and Reporting

Unlimited Accounts and VAT Integrated

e-Fin Provides Academic Institutions a Robust

Accounting Software Solution and Support Service

Fully Integrated with all Administrative Data for Simplicity


*South Africa Only:

Combine e-Xpress with e-Fin and Synchronize your Customers from SA-SAMS.


Curriculum and Academics Perfected

Dynamic Cycles and Subjects Structuring

Reports: Mail-Merge Designs

and Integrated

Digital Results and Report Cards for Guardians

Flexibility for Special Needs and other Curricula

Dashboards and Statistical Reporting

Extensive Assessment Capabilities

Educator Linked Users

Capture Marks Anywhere

Full Integration with Administrative Module

Official SA-SAMS Curriculum Available

Complete and Approved Export to SA-SAMS

e-MarX Enables any Educational Institution the Scalability and Versatility to

Accomodate all Academic Performance Evaluations for an

Extensive Range of Curricula and Student Needs.


*South Africa Only:

Combine e-Xpress with e-Marx and Export to SA-SAMS for DBE Approved Submissions


Learner Teacher Support Materials and Media Library Software

Annual Textbook Allocation and Tracking

Integrated with Administrative Data

Stock Integration with e-Fin Assets

Reporting and Statistics

Student, Educator and Item and Barcodes

Easy Scanning with Smart-Device Cameras

Official SA-SAMS Curriculum Available

Multi-User Friendly Design

e-MediaBooks Simplifies both Textbook Allocations and Media Libraries of all Kinds

With most Camera-Enabled Smart Devices even Learners can manage LTSM loans Easily


Rapidly and Trouble-Free Stand-Alone Class Roster Scheduling

Define Needs, Preferences and Layout Quickly

Fast Generating and User Friendly Design

Set Allocations and Review Utilization

Import Educators, Classes and Subjects

Stand-Alone Secure Website Application

Reporting and Statistics

e-TimeTable Allows any Institution to Easily Create Class Schedules On-Line.

Transform your class schedule effortlessly in minutes! Our advanced software, while streamlining the process, ensures a customized timetable to fit your needs. Embrace efficiency without compromise.


*e-TimeTable is available as Stand-Alone without e-Xpress or e-Enterprise


Edupac Learning Management System

Powered by Moodle™

Always Available Digital Learning Plans

Mobile or Desktop with Adundant Resources

Cutting Edge OpenAI Chat-GPT Included

Students, Educators and Guardians Together

Interactive Learning and Evaluation

Secure and Safe On-Line Education

Seamless Integration with e-MarX

e-LMS goes beyond Learning Management by supplying Educators, Learners and Guardians an

Inclusive and Interactive Safe Space to Learn, Discuss and Flourish Academically

Fully Integrated with e-MarX Curriculum and Administrative Data

Allows for On-Line Effective and Efficient e-Education


*e-LMS is available as Stand-Alone without e-MarX or e-Enterprise


A Desktop Application for Communication

Links to your SA-SAMS Data

Send SMS to Guardians, Learners and Staff

For Attendance, Conduct or Correspondence

Stand-Alone Desktop Application

Windows 8, 10 and 11 Compatible

Quick and Easy Registration and Setup

SA-Sams SMS has Become a Solution for Many as Communication with Guardians remains Paramount even when Resources can Become a Challenge

We Provide an Solution for Educational Institutions (*South-Africa Only) to Cost-Effectively and Reliably send Correspondence to Guardians via SMS in Bulk

e-Xpress Allows Cost-Effective Flexibility

Simply Add any of the following to e-Xpress

e-Fin for Finances and Accounting

e-Marx for Curriculum and Academics

e-MediaBooks for LTSM Management

e-TimeTable for Class Scheduling

e-LMS for Virtual Classroom and Learning

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